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Tuesday Night Ladies League - Tuesday League Season Three 2015 - Division 1 - Statistics

Leading Scorers
Tigs AntoniadesAngry BIrds11
Angie WebsterThrobbing Strawberries8
Siobhan ZurnamerPANTHERS4
Eleni ArtemidesVictorious Secret Ladies4
Tess PeacockPANTHERS3
Paula GallowPANTHERS3
Sue GeorgeThrobbing Strawberries2
Sarah BallAngry BIrds2
Sabrina BarreiroVictorious Secret Ladies2
Monica PorraThrobbing Strawberries2
Megan BryerPANTHERS2
Mandy SilverstoneThrobbing Strawberries2
Bronwyn MacGillivaryThe Fireflies2
Megan van SchoorAngry BIrds1
Jenna-Lee KourieAngry BIrds1
Georgina KatzVictorious Secret Ladies1
Charlene Kisbey-GreenPANTHERS1